Elder Abuse Awareness in Lubbock County
On Tuesday, May 28th, the Lubbock County Commissioner’s Court passed a resolution designating June as Elder Abuse Awareness Month. Representatives from both APS and LESSB (see picture gallery) were present as County Judge Curtis Parrish read the following resolution, which was then unanimously passed by the Commissioner’s Court:
Whereas, older adults and people with disabilities of diverse backgrounds contribute to the wellbeing of this city by working, caregiving, volunteering and actively preserving customs, rituals, and traditions; and
Whereas, as we age, we build momentum by accumulating knowledge, experience, insight, and wisdom that can be shared to enrich our community; and
Whereas, abuse of older adults and people with disabilities is a community concern, affecting thousands of people across Texas; and
Whereas, there were 120,069 reports of abuse of older people and people with disabilities in Texas in 2023; and
Whereas, abuse against older adults and people with disabilities is grossly underreported because of social stigma, embarrassment, and fear; and
Whereas, adult abuse effects men and women of all income and ability levels, all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, in all communities; and
Whereas, elder abuse is everyone’s business, it’s important to strengthn our efforts to prevent, report and address elder abuse.
Now, therefore, we, the Commissioners Court of Lubbock County, in recognition thereof, do hereby proclaim the month of June 2024 to be Elder Abuse Awareness Month in Lubbock County, Texas and urge all residents to put a stop to abuse and neglect of older adults and people with disabilities.
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Commissioners Court of Lubbock County held on May 28, 2924.
The resolution is signed by County Judge Curtis Parrish and County Commissioners Terence Kovar, Jason Corley, Gilbert Flores, and Jordan Rackler.
LESSB and APS appreciate the recognition made each year by the Commissioner’s Court and the emphasis that they place on elder abuse prevention in Lubbock County.