Loving APS on Valentine’s Day

On this 2024 Valentine’s Day, nine members of the LESSB board had the privilege of meeting, visiting with, and marveling at the dedication of the APS workforce in their quest to protect elderly vulnerable adults and those with disabilities. Meetings such as these strengthen ties, provide understanding, and unify us. 

 Special guests in attendance at the meeting were Barbara Warren, president of the Hi-Plains Silver Star Board located in Plainview, TX, and her husband, Ron.

 The LESSB board provided lunch and dessert for this gathering as a token Valentine, carrying with it love for the APS workers and admiration for all that they do in the execution of their duties. 

 Sincere thanks are due to LESSB board members, Shani Robertson and Noel Garcia, for coordinating with United Supermarkets to provide delicious box lunches and decorations for the meeting.




LESSB/APS at Rising Star Baptist Church


Going the Extra Mile for APS - Area Wide Medical