Junior League Honors LESSB
Again this year, Junior League of Lubbock has honored LESSB with grant funds. This year’s grant for $2,415 was presented to Grant Coordinator Jess Peterson on Monday, November 6th at the Junior League meeting. LESSB was one of five organizations receiving funds this year from the organization. '
The funds this year were in reimbursement of funds spent this past summer for portable air conditioners for APS clients. Junior League of Lubbock is one of several agencies who assisted with this effort in 2023. Others include the Community Foundation of West Texas and Superior Health Plan.
This is the eighth time that Junior League of Lubbock has awarded a grant to LESSB, beginning in 2009. Besides air conditioners, they have also helped with bus passes, heaters, and food bank vouchers. They have also collected items for the Silver Star Room and provided volunteers at times. LESSB greatly appreciates the generosity of this great group of ladies.
Pictured above are Junior League of Lubbock president T.J. Evans and LESSB grant coordinator Jess Peterson.